Thoughts on my Fanfiction: The Wyrmling

As I sit on Facebook twiddling my fingers, I wonder what has happened to me and to my time. It’s not that I’ve lost ambition in the past few weeks, but it’s that…I have…less…to do. Granted the semester just started and I barely have any homework, but there’s something different about this semester. And then it just hit me: I finished my fanfiction.

I finished my Naruto fanfiction entitled The Wyrmling over break. I wanted it to be finished before I started this semester because it was time-consuming. I didn’t realize just how time-consuming it was until now. It’s not like I’m doing nothing, you know? I have six courses I’m taking this semester and my GPA is 3.72….I got into the Honors College and I want to stay there, so I’m busting my bum working my brain. But when I sit down at the end of the day, I find that there’s no pull. It’s like I need to come up with something to post online. I feel terribly about this because I’ve been blogging for years. Why is it that all of a sudden I can’t sit down on the computer?

Any thoughts?
Ariel Ceylan

6 January 2012


I just finished one of the items on my list of resolutions!

1) Get 5+ short stories into magazines.
2) Finish writing my book. (This needs to be done!)
3) Finish my fanfiction. (I’ve been writing this since the summer. It needs to be done!)
4) Write a screenplay
6) Get a job (bleh)

Yes, I finished writing my fanfiction, TODAY! It was hard. I have 46 chapters out in that story (it’s called Wyrmling and it’s a Naruto fanfic). The last five chapters I posted today. It was nothing short of intense.

This got me thinking about New Year Resolutions. Just about everybody I know say that they’re going to do something, start and two days later stop. I guess that those resolutions aren’t really resolutions, then. They’re more like…daydreams. It’s something that someone would like to do, but has no real plan of implementing or sustaining it. When it’s a resolution, that means that someone has a plan to do something and not stop until the task is completed.

Maybe I’m wrong….but then again, maybe I’m not…

Ariel Ceylan