30 December 2008


Sorry it took me forever to post.  As a response to opheliarising, whom I am glad suggested to write a quintet, I can’t.  I am writing the fourth book right now and it is such a perfect wrap-up from my outline, that if I write anything else with the series is rather strange.  It feels like something extra that just came out, ya know?  Thanks for the idea though.

Writing wise, I have been avoiding still, but I have a feeling that I will be getting little sleep tonight.  I have suddenly decided to finish the book before the new year begins!  Wish me luck!

For the new year, I want to get published and do well on standardized testing for college.  So, I am getting info on book publishers, working on finishing editing my first manuscript.

Thanks for reading.


26 December 2008

Hey everybody,

Today, I did little writing.  I am about two paragraphs from Zephyr’s emotional climax/eppiphany.  Other than that I was playing Guild Wars Nightfall as a Dervish.  I also spent some hours at the nursing home doing service.  I hope that I can write more and quickly, but I doubt that that will happen.  I have homework and service to do.  I don’t know when I will post next, hopefully tomorrow.  Keep posted.


24 December 2008

Today I was unable to write, not because of writer’s block, but because of the wait to get my hair attended to at the salon.  I was literally in there all day, I just came home an hour ago.  I had some time to edit, but I couldn’t even do a lot of that because the drier baked my brains!  I can’t think!  I have a hunger headache and everything.  I won’t blog tomorrow, it is Christmas…maybe I’ll get back to you guys on the 26th, if I finish most of my homework.  I probably will be on the falling action by then.  I just have to keep focused and positive.

If you checked out my pictures, tell me what you think.


23 December 2008


I wrote three chapters today!  I am thrilled, but I am so upset!  I am practically two chapters away from the climax which means that I am about half-way done with my fourth book of my quartet! NNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don’t wanna leave my characters!  (Imagine a teenager who is normaly extremely composed in a crying fit because she gets emotionally attached.) I have been with them for four books!  I know so much about them!  They are such good friends!  I don’t wanna say goodbye!  I know that I am going to chronicle some of them, but it just won’t be the same.  There will be books that are solely about what happens to the characters after this quartet.  I’m gunna miss having all of them play a part in one story.  It is so sad.

Ok, I am back now.

I guess that I know how it feels to be a parent and being unable to let their kids leave to go to college or summer camp.

(Folds hands together.)  For more pressing news, I was unable to upload my pictures here on wordpress.  However, it is on my Flickr, which I just made an account with today.  Here is the address, and take a look at some of the Characters. (Took insanely long to upload.)

Thanks for hearing me rant and rave about character attachment.


22 December 2008

Hello Everybody,

Today was extremely long!  I was helping my mom wrap presents.  (I am on Christmas Break!  Huzzah!)  That means that I spent about ten minutes writing.  It was not in vain!  I got to a good spot, the character, Inaya, also likes logic, and her behavior is logical, so tomorrow when I write, or tonight if I have time, I will be able to continue with the steam and energy that I had today.  Which rocks!

Tomorrow I should have some pictures of my drawings of characters! (I did not set up my scanner properly and I am too lazy to fix it.)  Check out my Characters page because I have my two main characters up!

Happy Holidays everyone!


21 December 2008

Hello everybody,

Today was a really good day.  I wrote to chapters!  (The rest of the day I was wrapping my mom’s presents for Christmas, but it’s all good!)  Things are going really well and there is not going to be timeskip, scene, timeskip, scene!  I am absolutely, positively thrilled!  I am glad with the way the story is going, but I am saddened by the fact that is is the last of the quartet.  Which I have to give a specific title to…….I am not good at coming up with titles.  It is usually something that I come up with randomly and it sticks.  So I’ll be waiting around for that random idea.  Enjoy the holidays and the New Year!


20 December 2008

Hey guys,

Today, I finished a chapter, I’m thrilled!  I also feel slightly depressed at Zili’s behavior.  Zili is changing.  Her whole idea of an underlying drive is to get forgiveness from the person that she hurt the most.  When she meets said person (Let’s call her Gazer of Life), she realizes that the Gazer of Life would never forgive her unless Gazer of Life had something to gain.  Zili reaches an epiphany and realizes that she really does not want forgiveness from someone that will not willingly forgive.  Zili also realizes that even though Gazer of Life may have been treated better than Zili, she is the better person.  It is a bittersweet moment for this character.  I am glad that we had it, but I am upset about the outcome.  It’s not like I am really in control of this, so I really can’t change it.  Sigh.  I can’t wait to add more to this story.

Other than that, it is Christmas preparations and house cleaning over here.  Oh, yeah, I draw.  I am not extremely good or anything, it is manga-ish.  I drew my characters.  Comment this post if you want to see any of them.

This song is my current writing muse.  I love “Allegria” from Cirque de Soleil.

So …I hope that this link takes you to my poll for my pics.


19 December 2008

Hey guys,

Unfortunately I did not make my goal to write today .  I shoveled snow, wrapped presents, did the dishes, and a ton of mundane tasks that we have to do every day.  Tomorrow I will try again.  Wish me luck and hope that those that are buried in snow stay warm.  Good luck to everyone else that is writing and has difficulty with staying on task.


18 December 2008

Hello everyone,

So I still have yet to figure out what do do in between the scenes to make things interesting.  However, I am pleased with my character development so far…I suppose that I should tell you that I am writing my fourth book in the series.  It is a fantasy quartet.  Unfortunately, I am not book published as of yet, I am doing the final editing of my first book.  Due to the final editing on this work, my worlds are no longer being a story.  It is becoming its own entity…I am no longer in full control.   It is terrifying and exhilerating.


17 December 2008

I’ve moved on with writing a bit…I am following my outline, but the time-skips in between the characters and important events is hard to plan exactly when.  There is so much that I want to happen, but I don’t know what to put before or after, everything is important, and I know that order is even more important.  At this point that I am at right now, I have one character, let’s call him “A” that is going to go onto one last quest.  Once he goes on this quest, he meets character “C” that is traveling south.  Soon after, he sees character “B” that is traveling north.  I don’t want him to start on that yet.  There is so much that characters “B” and “C” have to do.  But I need something in between these two characters, otherwise it would be time skip, scene, time skip, scene.  Personally, that is annoying.  I’ll try my best to get the story moving.  Sorry if I am being vague, it’s a nasty habit of mine.


16 December 2008

Hey guys,

So I just found out, that in order for my story to move along I need to develop certain characters.  I have been trying to work on it without getting the reader too sympathetic because these characters are, for lack of better wording, “the bad guys”.  Any advice here?


12 December 2008

Today I feel pretty proud of myself.  I worked on the defense mechanisms of the worlds.  It was hard to write, not because I am bad or lazy, but because of formatting and saying what I mean to say without giving away too much information.

I find that the hardest part.  Saying just enough to keep the reader engaged, usually I give too much or too little information.  I’m working on it.

I won’t be posting for a while, so here are some pages to keep you guys happy.  Bye

11 December 2008

Hello everybody!

My name is Ceylan (that’s my pen name) and this is my blog.  This blog will be about my road to my fantasy novella book’s publication.  Also, if you guys want, I can post back stories of characters and some earlier stories that will not be in print.  So message me if you want it seen.

