8 February 2010

Yesterday was an amazingly productive day!

I was able to finish Part One of my book! Huzzah! Of course, now, I have parts 2 to 4 left to do, but considering my progress beforehand, I’m glad I was able to put in some solid time. Curse you AP Bio!!!

Ariel Ceylan

1 December 2009


It’s December, start shopping yet?

I did, but there never seem to be enough hours in the day for me to get all of my work done without drowning in the stress.

No, I unfortunately haven’t written anything yet…I’m working on marketing and the business end of my books. Yes, I’m still editing my second book, but you know, there’s a ton of stuff that I still need to do.

That’s the story of my life, still need more time…..

Working working working.

23 November 2009

I tell ya, it’s hard to write when teachers are always giving you homework to do!

I’m always working, working, working, doing boring analytical thinking and writing.

This is right before Thanksgiving too!

So when I literally have five minutes to myself, I post or update something somewhere.

Thanks so much for reading!

28 May 2009


I totally forgot to tell everybody! I turned seventeen four days ago and I got my license on my first try! Yay provisional driving!

I finished editing my first ms, now all I have to do is put the edit marks on my word document and I’ll ship it off! ALL-NIGHTER tomorrow night!!!!!

So don’t freak out if I don’t post in a while, I have to finish so many things. Isn’t it funny how things all seem to come to a pimple at the same time?


18 May 2009


I finally finished The Chronicle of Zephyr! I am soooooo happy! Life is finally looking up despite how extremely swamped I am!

Gotta love life!


8 May 2009

Ok, so I got this awesome deal where I can publish two books for the price of one!  Totally rad!  Now all I have to do is edit, edit, edit!

That’s it for my update on my publishing process.  Otherwise, I’ve been in a coma all week.  I hate it when the Seniors leave, the rest of us juniors go through the seventh layer of the inferno and it is no where near the end of the school year!



Oh:  check out this site (copy into address pane) http://www.wordle.net

Wordle makes word clouds like the one below!

Wordle: Ceylan's Word Cloud

30 April 2009


It’s the end of the month already!  I haven’t posted in forever!  I’ve been writing every day for approximately 2 minutes on the bus.  Hey, I take what time I can get!  I can pump out 50 words in every 2 minutes, and I pick my words very carefully!  I am extending the moment, but I kinda want to be done already!  I have so many ideas for other series that I want to get started!  Some commenters had really great ideas about putting aside and starting anew, but I can’t do that…unless I go to the home!  GAH!  I am the type of person that needs closure otherwise I will be thinking about it all the time.

And I mean ALL THE TIME!

Oh, and on a ligher note, I will be taking the SATS…..again…..on Saturday. Wish me luck!


20 April 2009

WOW!  It’s been a long time since I’ve posted!

There are many things that I would like to discuss: life, school, my writing, oh and publishing.

Life is hectic, I am taking SATs again.  Yeah, don’t worry, it’s in two weeks.  All I have to do is teach myself all the math concepts.  I have plenty of time…

School is school.  Junior year equates to standardized testing!

Writing has been coming slowly.  I am writng the same book.  To tell you the truth, its been pretty boring for me.  In my head, once I’ve written my outline, I am pretty much done.  Honestly, this book is more of an epilogue to The Quartet of Middles.  The characters are pretty static and don’t want to change from their facade.  So I am getting pretty bored.  Any suggestions?

Finally, my mother and I are 99% sure that I will be published via Xlibris.  WOOHOO!

Thanks for reading,


8 April 2009

So, I wrote two chapters since the last time I posted.  The cotillion was a blast!  I LOVE PHILIPPINO LINE DANCING!

Ahem, anyway, I got my SAT grades back and well…..I have to do my SATs again.  I hate testing.

That means I have to put writing on hold again!  Major bummer!


3 April 2009

WOWEE! It’s April already! It fesls like yesterday was January! What happened? How is everyone since I posted last? I’ve been extremely busy lately with school work and prepping for a friend’s cotillion/birthday party.  (Is that spelled right?)

Anywho, The Tale of The End is almost done.  I mean, I am probably three chapters away from the climax.  I don’t know if it is something wrong with me or not, it’s just that I have difficulty letting go of my characters.  I am procrastinating finishing hte story.  I am sure that if I didn’t do that, then I would be chapters away from actually completing the novel.  Oh well.


26 March 2009


It’s been a while since I’ve been on, but I have made progress!  I swear it!  I wrote two chapters two days ago and three yesterday!  WOO HOO!!!!!!!

To tell you the truth, junior year has kept me busy, but I literally use every spare moment to do something with my writing!  I try, but I am exhausted and overwhelmed.  The word “vacation” comes to mind.

Lots of love you guys!


22 March 2009

Hey everybody!

Thanks for all the comments!  They make me smile!  Life has been so busy lately!  I had two research papers due in one week, both of them carry quite a bit of weight in my grade.  This week is the end of the Third Period!  One left!  Holy turtle fries!

Okay, as of right now, I have about three and a half chapters written for the Tale of The End and I wrote one entry for the Chronicles!  YAY!  Life is so stressful that finding any time to write is an exuse to rejoice!  Rejoice!  WOO HOO!

Lots of love!

Keep positive!


25 February 2009

Oh sweet goodness!

I actually have a little time to blog!  As I said, writing is kinda kaput for now, but once SATs are over, I will be back regurally!  YAY!  I have been thinking about characters and things for my other book series that I have been thinking about writing for the longest time, and it has nothing to do with Whithith! 

Thanks for reading, have a great week!


21 February 2009

Hey readers!

I haven’t posted in a while!  I have school and homework and SAT homework and studies that I need to take care of.  This is translated to no writing for the next three weeks! (This is most frustrating!)

Guess what is happenning in three weeks?  SAT!

So, that means that I won’t be online for the next three weeks.  If I am online, it is by a miracle!  So don’t expect to hear from me again until after the evil four hours!

I’ll be studying late every night!  Bring on the coffee!

(I hope you enjoy my copious useage of exclamation points.)


12 February 2009


It has been forever since I posted!  I have been busy with school and things….I did manage to write a bit, but I have been getting away from that crazy endeavor of writing 300 years.  It is necessary for the next series, but I think that I will hold off on that for a while.  I have a more realistic fiction, but with some crazy fantasy elements that I am dyeing (spelling?) to write.  As of right now, I am in the middle of six projects:  the Chronicles, the next Whithith series, the fusion series, school, SAT prep, and beginning the college application process.  Can you spell stress?

Anywho…..life is pretty sweet so far.  I mean I have my ups and downs.  It stinks being a Gemini sometimes, but I am pretty much cool with myself.  I have my class ring…..it is big…..To tell you guys the truth, I don’t know if I really belong with the kids that I have to be in class with.  Some of them are great, but I don’t make any lasting friendships.  It is always about school.  It makes me feel ackward and disconnected.  If any of you need any inspiration from a kid that is currently in the system for something with high school.  Please e-mail me.  I will try my best to help, just be clear who you are, why you are writing and stuff.  I don’t want to delete you guys!

Thanks for reading!
