How do we Define Life?

I’ve been thinking a bit lately about how exactly we define life. Some people seem to think that it’s about pleasure, things that make one most happy. But this strikes me as odd, if I make that value judgement that pleasure is the greatest good, then I relinquish the right to call thievery, rape, beatings, and murder wrong. Since they all can give one pleasure.

It caused me to wonder how does one define life? I figure that life is not just about having a good time, but what about when someone is having a bad time? Because life isn’t always blue skies and sunshine. What gets one through those days? It needs to be something more, more than just a pleasure will…it is a will that stands longer and deeper than those days…

So perhaps what we should look for to define life should not be what we would live for, but what we would die for. What would you die for and plan to live your life accordingly…

Ariel Ceylan

Bridging into the NEXT CENTURY

Today Girl Scouts of New Jersey celebrated 100 years of Girl Scouts by bridging on the George Washington Bridge. (Girl Scouts was founded on March 12, 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low.)

Today I celebrated something huge in my life. I hope you also celebrate the big things and respect the small things, for they all comprise life.

Loving life,
Ariel Ceylan

8 September 2011

With the fall semester just beginning and a decade since 9/11 occurring, I find that there is little time to write. Especially with a 45 minute commute. I have been able to squeeze in 10 minutes here and there, but I have not yet been able to just sit down and write. Then I thought to one of those success books I read and how the most important skill is self-management. Then I figured that I could self-manage myself effectively today, and lo, I did! That’s why I’m here just writing about whatever comes to mind, really. I mean, other than taking six courses and trying to maintain various social media, it’s a bit of a challenge to try to actually write something more substantial than my midterm and final papers. Alas, I will try to put something out there anyway.

So, what could be worth writing about? Life, I suppose. Now let’s think deeper, is it just life in general that’s worthy of discussion, or is it life as it pertains to a few species, or is it life as it pertains to homo sapien sapiens? What makes life life a worthy discussion? Is life a worthy discussion? Why?

Just a glimpse into my mind about the questions that constantly plague me.

Keep positive, keep on writing (even if it’s only 5 minutes a day), and keep on questioning.

Ariel Ceylan

Tamara, Literally Out Loud (via Tamara Out Loud)

Tamara wrote a brilliant article on what it’s like to always have someone mispronounce your name.

Check it out.
Ariel Ceylan

Tamara, Literally Out Loud This post was Freshly Pressed on Wed., June 8, 2011. I'm delighted by all the comments but cannot possibly respond to them all. Please know I'm reading and enjoying each one. Thanks for visiting the blog! ________________________________________________________ People have been getting my name wrong my whole life. Hell, my own parents got my name wrong before I was born. I didn't stand a chance. As my mother tells it, she and my birthfather were … Read More

via Tamara Out Loud