Resolutions for 2013

Hey everyone!

It’s been a while (it’s always been a while) since I posted last. Hope you’ve had a great start to the new year! I have been playing around so far.

I just decided to work on my resolution for the year.

1) Write a short story a week.

2) Send out two short stories for publication a month.

3) Play piano. Play piano. Play piano.

4) Write another screenplay

5) Edit my stageplays

6) Edit my neighbor’s biography.

7) Submit my neighbor’s biography for publication.

8) Go on to Facebook and other social networking sites one time a week.

What are your resolutions? How are they working out for you?

Ariel Ceylan

11 January 2012

And another resolution has been achieved!

1) Get 5+ short stories into magazines.
2) Finish writing my book. (This needs to be done!)
3) Finish my fanfiction. (I’ve been writing this since the summer. It needs to be done!)
4) Write a screenplay
6) Get a job (bleh)

It’s a really great feeling accomplishing what you set out to do. I got a job as a dance instructor (jazz and hip-hop) at my college. I’m glad about that. I’m going to see if I can be a dance instructor at other local colleges or libraries. If you have any ideas, send them my way.

I have four more accomplishments to achieve before I complete my list of 2012 resolutions…then I’ll need to make up more!

Ariel Ceylan

6 January 2012


I just finished one of the items on my list of resolutions!

1) Get 5+ short stories into magazines.
2) Finish writing my book. (This needs to be done!)
3) Finish my fanfiction. (I’ve been writing this since the summer. It needs to be done!)
4) Write a screenplay
6) Get a job (bleh)

Yes, I finished writing my fanfiction, TODAY! It was hard. I have 46 chapters out in that story (it’s called Wyrmling and it’s a Naruto fanfic). The last five chapters I posted today. It was nothing short of intense.

This got me thinking about New Year Resolutions. Just about everybody I know say that they’re going to do something, start and two days later stop. I guess that those resolutions aren’t really resolutions, then. They’re more like…daydreams. It’s something that someone would like to do, but has no real plan of implementing or sustaining it. When it’s a resolution, that means that someone has a plan to do something and not stop until the task is completed.

Maybe I’m wrong….but then again, maybe I’m not…

Ariel Ceylan

2012 Resolutions

I have a handful of things I want to get done this year.

1) Get 5+ short stories into magazines.
2) Finish writing my book. (This needs to be done!)
3) Finish my fanfiction. (I’ve been writing this since the summer. It needs to be done!)
4) Write a screenplay
6) Get a job (bleh)

What do you want to do this year?

Ariel Ceylan